Lion vs Tiger, who would win?

The Lion is often known as king of the jungle, but that is incorrect – lions live on the savannah. The tigers are the kings of the jungles, and what if these two fierce predators battled in real life? Let’s dive into it.

First, let’s look at the statistical side. Tigers have the edge on size, measuring 2.8 meters without its tail and up to 3.9 meters including the tail. However, males are larger than females, and females may only measure 2 meters including the tail, weighing 60-150 kg. Males weigh up to 300 kg. Male lions can grow up to 3.6 meters including their tail, but lionesses’ top length is around three meters (including tail). However, lions live in prides up to 20 strong, making an entire pride a force to be reckoned with. Tigers are decent climbers and great camouflagers in their forest environment, and so are lions in their grasslands.

Now, I’m going to rate them:

Offense: If these were solitary lions and solitary tigers, I’m would have gone with tigers. But, since lions are social animals, they have the advantage in numbers. Tiger: 95%, Lion: 97%

Defense: Again, the lions have the advantage in lions, they have a higher rating. Tiger: 55% Lion: 70%

Smarts: Now this isn’t social. Tied up here: 95% apiece.

Now, let’s imagine the battle scene. In the forests of India, some an asiatic lion pride 10 strong are sleeping, after a giant buffalo meal. A tiger, on the other hand, is looking for its next meal, and it just so happens it wanders upon the clearing. The tiger tries to drag the carcass out of the clearing, but the lions smell him. ROAR!!! The male lions wake up. The tiger, with the advantage of size, dives on top of one lion, tearing flesh and hair off its neck. However, the other lions have circled behind him and are preparing to attack. They leap, and the tiger rolls off just in time. The angered tiger turns on another lion and swats her over the head. Then, the tiger takes off another lion’s tail. But finally, the tiger is overwhelmed by all the lions. They take turns going at his feet, head, and back. The tiger barely escapes with its life, bearing many scars of battle. The lions’ numbers have won this battle, despite the sacrifices.

Thanks for reading! -Written by EZ

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