World War I part 2

Hello everyone, it’s been a while. As you might know, we were on vacation for a while, and now we are back. Since the time that our dad told us to blog has past, we are just blogging for fun, and they won’t come regularly anymore.

As you guys know, I’ve already blogged about world war I and II, but today, I learned a lot more, and discovered that the war was actually much more complicated than I explained. So today, I’m going to explain World War I, but in detail.

As you guys might know from my previous blog, World War I started off an assassination, when Archduke Franz Ferdinand was murdered by Serbian assassinators. I won’t explain too much about this part, but if you want to know, you could go back to the article I wrote before. However, after this, Austria-Hungary wouldn’t settle for just arresting the assassins, instead, they wanted to declare war on Serbia. However, before that, they made sure they had the help and support of Germany. After securing Germany’s help, they sent a list of outrageous requirements to Serbia, and when Serbia disagreed with them, they declared war.

Unfortunately for Austria-Hungary, Serbia had strong allies of its own: the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was friends with France, which was good on their behalf. France was also a friend of the United Kingdom, who, at the time were the most powerful country in the world, and who also owned a lot of land in other continents. So the Serbian side had an advantage. Also, Montenegro joined the allies, which are the Serbian side. That didn’t make much of a difference. Germany knew that the Soviet Union would take a long time to prepare, therefore, they tried to take France first. However, due to defences on the German border of France, they decided to make their way through Belgium, and then attack through the French Belgium border. However, that triggered the British involvement. The British were originally on good terms with France, and seeing Germany attack neutral countries triggered them to join the war. This delays the conquer of Belgium, which gives time for the Soviet Union. So Austria-Hungary attacked the Soviet Union to try and defend Germany’s back. However, they were forced back, and just made Germany pull back a lot of troops to help them. Austria-Hungary would even force them to fail in conquering Serbia, which was the entire reason the war even started.

Eventually, Germany managed to attack France through Belgium, and they almost take over France. However, the British and French armies just managed to push them back. They held the stall there for quite a while. Meanwhile, across the world, everybody was having a similar situation, with nobody gaining or losing much land.

After this, the Ottoman empire decided to join the war on behalf of the Central Powers. This didn’t really change much. In this period of time, all that really happened was stalemates, and the conquering of Serbia. The next major part, was who broke first. World War I was unlike World War II. It was a test of stamina, to see who could last the longest. The Soviet Union couldn’t take it, and gave up on the war. Now you might be thinking, great for Germany. They just defeated the Soviets. Well, bad news. They decided to ask Mexico to attack the U.S, but the message was intercepted, causing the U.S to join the war. At this point, the war was pretty much over, and the Allies won the war.

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