US presidents

The United States of America, one of the most powerful countries in the world, has a surprisingly short history. However, the government has mostly stayed the same for the approximately 250 year long history. So, today, I am going to list the 45 US presidents from 1789 – 2016.

  1. George Washington: Federalist, 1789-1797 (2 terms), 1$ bill – most presidents, at most, ran for two terms because of George Washington’s decision to only complete two terms,
  2. John Adams: Federalist, 1797-1801 (1 term),
  3. Thomas Jefferson: Democratic-Republican, 1801-1809 (2 terms), 2$ bill – Thomas Jefferson loathed public speaking, making his presidential campaign and terms difficult
  4. James Madison: Democratic-Republican, 1809-1817 (2 terms), 5000$ bill
  5. James Monroe: Democratic-Republican, 1817-1825 (2 terms)
  6. John Quincy Adams: Democratic-Republican, 1825-1829 (1 term)
  7. Andrew Jackson: Democrat, 1829-1837 (2 terms), 20$ bill – Andrew Jackson was killed after a duel. His opponent shot him near the heart. However, Jackson still won the duel by shooting back and killing his opponent immediately
  8. Martin Van Buren: Democrat, 1837-1841 (1 term)
  9. William Henry Harrison: Whig, 1841-1841 (death) – William Henry Harrison was the first president to die in office – started the curse of Tippecanoe (every 5 elections, a president would be either shot or assassinated. This curse lasted from 1840-1960)
  10. John Tyler: Whig, 1841-1845 (1 term)
  11. James K. Polk: Democrat, 1845-1849 (1 term)
  12. Zachary Taylor: Whig, 1849-1850 (death) – Zachary Taylor was the only president during the tippecanoe curse to die out of order
  13. Millard Fillmore: Whig, 1850-1853 (rest of Taylor’s term)
  14. Franklin Pierce: Democrat, 1853-1857 (1 term)
  15. James Buchanan: Democrat, 1857-1861 (1 term)


Written by EZ

THX for reading!

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